

ALEGRIA Hotels Postée il y a 2 mois Santa Susanna Entre 2 et 4 mois

Mission proposée

As one of the fastest expanding hotelchains in Spain we are continously searching motivated students who want to be part of the ALEGRIA team and fullfill their internships at one of our hotels in Spain.
Most of our hotels are currently around the coasts of Barcelona, (Costa de Barcelona, Costa Brava, Costa Dorada) but for the interested students we also have options in other areas of Spain.

The conditions we can offer are:

* Accomodation (shared) & meals
* Written evaluations (every 15 days)
* Compensation of 500€ a month (200€ of which are variable)
* 24/7 assistance in case of emergency
* 40 hour workweeks / 2 days off a week to explore Spain.

The departement which we are recruiting for:

Marketing (Social Media) & HR Assistent:

We are searching for a student who can combine the best of 2 worlds! Generating social media content and managing the channels of two hotels in the Santa Susanna/Malgrat de Mar region and assisting the HR department in the administrative procedures of our internship team of approx. 100 students throughout Spain.

Profil recherché et exigences du poste

Our trainees should comply with the following:

- A good presentation in terms of hygiene and outfit (uniform provided) as you represent our company in the hours you wear the uniform.
- To be dynamic, in hospitality sometimes the unexpected happens, we just have to adapt and make the most of it!
- Show motivation in your tasks, if you show no interest, why would our guests?
- Know how to communicate (mother tongue and foreign languages)

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